Health > Improving health and providing a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for 1,200 infants in remote villages
Improving health and providing a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for 1,200 infants in remote villages
State: Chhattisgarh NGO: Jan Swasthya Sahyog Summary: Chhattisgarh has one of the highest rates of infant malnutrition in India, with 47% of children classified as ‘malnourished’ and 16% classified as ‘severely malnourished.’ (National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-3 report) Most often, the onset of malnutrition begins after 6 months, when a child’s predominantly breast-milk diet begins to be supplemented with additional nutrients. This Jan Swasthya Sahyog (JSS) project aims to support high quality, affordable, community-based day care services for infants aged six months to three years and who are from socioeconomically marginalized communities. These community-run day cares offer a safe and stimulating environment for child while improving nutritional outcomes and providing essential health services, such as vaccination. |
- Provide a crèche facility to all children 6 months to 3 years living in any of the 54 program villages that JSS serves.
- The program supplies supplementary nutritional food( one cooked meal and two snacks of a high protein-high energy mixture and eggs twice a week) and conducts activities to boost cognitive development among the children. JSS currently operates 89 phulwari program, serving over 1000 children.
- The crèches are run by women who have been selected by their local community, with one woman responsible for up to ten children and they are trained in the basics of health and hygiene.
- By providing a safe place for children, parents no longer have to taken their children with them to the fields, where they are subject to heat, sun, and dust and where food and water are in short supply.
- Several children who had dropped out of school for sibling care have returned to school after the crèche facility has been made available in their village.
Here are some videos from JSS to help you get to know their work better.
Here are some videos from JSS to help you get to know their work better.